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March 20, 2025
Another Week - More Quilts from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

Tomorrow, it is time to make a delivery of Compassion Quilts to the hospital.
We are already working on next month's order!

I was happy to see this lovely scrap quilt in the pile to photograph today.  It proves to me I CAN make a nice scrap quilt.  All of these florals were all leftovers from previous quilts.  Mari sent in the backing fabric and local quilter Terry quilted it up for us.

Board President Penny made this Split 4-patch quilt top.  She has been busy using up a bunch of fall colored fabrics in her stash.  I think ...

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March 18, 2025
Quilting Weekend from Wedding Dress Blue

It wasn’t JUST a quilting weekend, but in between all the other things I was able to get a bit done on each of my four quilts in progress (listed in reverse order of how close they are to completion):

First, binding the Harry Potter Brightly quilt–about 1-1/2 sides to go.

Second, adding a few rows to my Leader Ender (now mostly assembly).

Third, building a few blocks for my newest Second Chances quilt: Bits.

Finally, cutting for the wedding quilt of Young Son. All the brown and green squares are cut. Nearing halfway for the gold ...

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March 5, 2025
Midweek: my day at the hop! from With Strings Attached


I'm delighted to be among the participants in this week's Dust Off a Quilt Book Blog Hop sponsored by Bea (BeaQuilter).

I have MANY quilt books.   In the 1990's when I began quilting seriously I was purposely very frugal and checked out quilting books from the library.  If I paid full price for a book (quilting or otherwise) I thought about it long and hard.  But, as a librarian, I could also buy books at the library discount (40%) and I did!   

Now the bookselling market is all over the place. I've shopped publishers' warehouse sales ...

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March 4, 2025
New York Beauty Quilt is Finished! from Grandma's Red Needle

When the weather calls for 'no venture out', what do you do?!
Well, this apply to all rainy days, not only last week when 'Garance' passed close by. 

My February goal was to finish the NYB quilt, and I did! 

It has 48 blocks + 4 corner blocks.
It measures 74 x 58 inches / 188 x 147 cm
All batik from my stash, except the backing (batik too) I had to purchase. 

Once again thank you to those of you who suggested thread color and design!  (here). Much appreciated!

You may remember I'm on ...

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February 24, 2025
Country Charm is a Flimsy from Grandma's Red Needle

I'm thrilled to have 'Country Charm' as a Flimsy!
What is a flimsy, you may ask? A completed quilt top that is not quilted, nor does it have batting or batting, just the top. 

I finished the top in January, but never got around taking photos, until some days ago.
I did not intend finishing the top this quick, but I got totally obsessed by all those 2" squares collected from swaps. The 2.5" (HST) are from my own cut squares. 

Look at all those yummy squares! 

Who does not go dizzy or cross-eyed working with all those ...

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February 18, 2025
My Favorite “Go To” Baby Quilt Patterns from Modern Sunbonnet Sue

Quilters like certain patterns to stitch for baby quilts. These patterns are conducive to smaller block sizes, juvenile cotton prints, and easy stitching. I have made a fair number of baby quilts over the years. One-patch blocks like 9-patch, tumbling blocks, or parallelogram shapes are classic designs. Alphabet blocks, animal blocks, and fussy-cut pieces for […]

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February 2, 2025
Sunday Stash February 2, 2025 from Quilt Paint Create

No fabric in or out this week.

Only two more borders to sew on Traffic Jam. I hope to sew those today and be done with it. I need to make a back, and then I move on to an unidentified project. So many choices……

We traded ATCs at Art Quilt Group this week. Here are the ones I brought home.

The group decided to continue trading, but I’m sitting out the next round.

A member’s husband did a demo on using AI as a tool to create original quilt designs. It was quite fascinating. I don’t ...

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January 29, 2025
Friday check in: catching up with a finish, BOM, SAHRR and more from With Strings Attached

 On the home front:   Thirty birthday cards arrived this week.  THANK YOU! 

The dishwasher repairman came late Monday.  He pried off the lower panel, plugged a gizmo into a gauge or something, and got a readout that said the dishwasher had run 1,586 cycles since installation.  That was interesting.  He then replaced a water intake valve.  Here's the important part. He said he guessed that I used the economy cycle (51 min.).  He was right. It turns out that's wrong and I should use the normal cycle. That pushes more water through the valve and keeps it ...

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January 26, 2025
Sunday Stash January 26, 2025 from Quilt Paint Create

No fabric in or out this week.

The body of the Traffic Jam top is sewn together. It still needs borders to bring it to donation size.

Work on the afghan and Fairy Tales continues. The C2C pattern gets wider with every row until I get to the middle. That makes for slow going as the pattern progresses.

Fabric In: 0

Fabric Out: 0

How did you do this week?

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January 19, 2025
Sunday Stash January 19, 2025 from Quilt Paint Create

No fabric in or out this week.

I finished the two ATCs for trading at the next Art Quilt Group meeting. It wasn’t enough usage to count.

I started with hand painted fabric, stamping some dots and other shapes on it. I quilted them and cut them apart. I added the beads and findings after stitching the edges. There’s definitely some tricks and a learning curve to working so small.

Work on the Traffic Jam top continues. I’ll be glad to get that one done.

Fabric In: 0

Fabric Out: 0

How did you do this week ...

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January 15, 2025
Snow Happens... from From the Strawberry Patch...

How does that saying go: "life is what happens when you're busy making other plans"? Well, sometimes SNOW happens too! The best laid plans, one for a retreat weekend with my quilting friends at a not-too-far-from-here state park, was preempted this past weekend for this forecasted snow event. Since the retreat was supposed to commence on Friday I jumped right in at home. Disappointed, but

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Snow Happens... from From the Strawberry Patch...

How does that saying go: "life is what happens when you're busy making other plans"? Well, sometimes SNOW happens too! The best laid plans, one for a retreat weekend with my quilting friends at a not-too-far-from-here state park, was preempted this past weekend for this forecasted snow event. Since the retreat was supposed to commence on Friday I jumped right in at home. Disappointed, but

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January 12, 2025
Oh Scrap! : A Scrappy Finish from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

I was able to get the scrappy rail fence quilt onto my longarm frame this week and it is now completed.  Hurray!

The quilt top was made from a bunch of scraps leftover from backings and bindings.  I pulled anything that was blue, green and yellow.  I really made a nice dent in the scraps!

The back was also sewn from a bunch of leftovers. The blue fabric were chunks left over from previous backings.  A few people donated this extra wide backing print.  That means I had lots of bits to play with!

The lovely floral in the center ...

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Sunday Stash January 12, 2025 from Quilt Paint Create

No fabric in or out this week.

I worked on both Traffic Jam and the ATCs this week. Another chunk of Traffic Jam is sewn.

I’m glad I took this picture because it showed that I forgot to add sashing to the top of the lower section. Better to see it now then later, like after I sewed the sections together.

Fabric In: 0

Fabric Out: 0

How did you do this week?

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January 8, 2025
Starting Out with a Bang! from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

The year has barely started and I already have a lot of quilts to share.

Happy Block quilts are still trickling through.  This fun one is all about the things you see in the ocean.  My friend Jeanne sewed up the blocks and the backing for me.  The back used up a lot of bits and pieces donated by Lynnette and Dorothy. The print with the kids snorkeling is adorable!  According to my count, this is the 98th quilt made from that drive.  We are getting close to my 100 quilt goal.

Here is another Jewel Box quilt - these blocks ...

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January 1, 2025
January 2025 Short List and OMG from Quilt Paint Create

Welcome to 2025! I wish you a year full of creative fun and joy.

In spite of a busy December, the list moved forward. I also started and finished a small crocheted throw. I find I’m going back to hobbies from decades ago and enjoying them in new ways. Good chance you’ll see more variety on the Short List in 2025.

I began the Short List many years ago to create short-term goals and a way to focus. I change things up as my interests change.

Project 1 (Original): Study in Stitches. Something about this project doesn’t ...

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December 29, 2024
Sunday Stash December 29, 2024 from Quilt Paint Create

No change in the numbers.

This is the last Stash Report of 2024. Did you achieve your goal? I’m ending the year with positive usage, which is good enough for me.

Traffic Jam assembly has started. I decided to piece the sashing because I like the way it creates a secondary design. This four block section shows how it will look.

I also started a new project on Christmas day, a crochet throw. It was an impulse start, after Carol and Jen (Two Tall Stitchers and Quilting Mom’s blog) asked a question about Christmas starts on their YouTube ...

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December 15, 2024
Sunday Stash December 15, 2024 from Quilt Paint Create

No change in the numbers.

How can that date be right? This month is flying by.

I continue to work on Traffic Jam blocks.

I finished one more after I took the picture, leaving three to go. I would love to finish the top this year, but I’m not sure it’s doable. I don’t sew much during the week.

Fabric In: 16.5 yards

Fabric out: 27.875 yards

Net Fabric Used: 11.375 yards

How did you do this week?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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December 13, 2024
It's Friday! from Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

There are some very scrappy quilts in the lineup today.  It is interesting to see how quilts flow through the pipeline.  I bet it directly relates to my moods!

Marci sent me all these lovely scrappy blocks.  These are the 10.5" squares.  I am pretty sure this backing fabric came from an estate.  It is an amazing whole cloth.  The edges were all finished and it had some sun damage that I was able to cut around.  I think it must have been draperies - it sure is nice fabric and a beautiful print. 

This quilt measures 60 x 70 ...

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December 9, 2024
Weekly update: holiday events, UFOs out and in, OT part 3, and the new flimsy from With Strings Attached

 Holiday events are underway!  

 Luncheons Tuesday (Zion Woman's Club) and Saturday (Lake County Women's Coalition), both at the same local restaurant.***  I was hostess for ZWC and brought my vintage Christmas tablecloths to decorate (we were in one of the restaurant's small rooms) but I was so busy presiding that I didn't get a good picture. (***Local as in four-tenths of a mile from my house!)  

On Friday we joined friends Bill and Debbie for dinner before going to the high school performing arts center  We all enjoyed the high school's holiday show by the ...

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